Enhancement of strategic diversified local organic product sales, destination branding, sustainable tourism promotion

About us

Does your destination management
really help enhancement of money flow in your local community?

Is analytics feasible for branding your destinations/goods under the NEW NORMAL environments?
Is your organic farming policy or destination management really contribute to local economy?
Are your targeted visitors defined with evidence?Do you proceed based on their reviews?

DX will never be successful without restructuring. Therefore, we dive into the issues of process and organization.

Is your communication with the actual workplaces enough to understanda the real management issues?
Are you yourself making the working atmosphere where employees can positively pursue a DX innovation?
Do your members sync in collaboration in a timely manner in your project?

Consult Wellness Inbound Association for Projects of Organic farming, diversification of agri products, and Tourism strategy

Wellness Inbound Assosiation
Wellness Inbound Assosiation

Cosult Kichimojiya Advisory for DX projects

Kichimojiya Advisory
Kichimojiya Advisory

Click for first time Free of Charge consultation

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